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I am dedicated to being a strong independent voice for rural Linn County who protects our Constitutional rights and freedoms while holding state government accountable. I know what it takes to get things done in Salem and am committed to delivering results for my neighbors across HD 11.


I helped pass legislation creating Oregon's Beginning  & Expanding Farmer loan program, and have worked to pass bipartisan bills to give ranchers more access to in-state meat processing, protect the Willamette Valley's specialty seed industry, support small and mid-sized family farms, protect farmland from development, and ensure the freedom to produce and sell raw milk. I will continue to build on this record of success for independent family farmers and ranchers in Linn County.
I am a lifelong gun owner. I grew up hunting and took my first gun safety course at age 12. I support the 2nd Amendment and the rights of law abiding citizens to keep and bear arms. As a responsible gun owner, I support keeping firearms out of the hands of felons, domestic abusers, and drug cartels. To do that, we need to ensure that law enforcement agencies have the resources they need to prevent and prosecute gun violence and other violent crime. 
Health care costs are too high for working families. I will advocate for policies that improve health care affordability so that every individual and family in our district can receive the health care and medicine they need without worrying about the financial consequences. I also believe that health care is a matter of personal freedom and privacy, and that the government and politicians have no business standing in between people and their health care providers. 
I believe a strong education system is the foundation of our communities and essential for preparing our children for the future. Investments in early childhood education and literacy are key to setting kids up for success. Our schools also need more robust Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs so students can exit high school with technical skills and a strong work ethic. These programs should include agriculture, outdoor education, and forestry to equip students with the skills they need for careers in industries that are the backbone of our rural economies.
I support the Private Forest Accord hammered out in 2020 by the timber industry and environmental groups to provide sustainable timber supplies, conservation, and regulatory certainty on private timber lands in Oregon. I support responsible timber harvesting on state and federal lands that produce wood products and jobs while protecting natural resources like clean water and healthy fish runs, and will work to ensure Linn County receives stable funding from the state and federal lands within its boundaries. I also support creating jobs in brush removal and other risk reduction efforts around communities threatened by wildfire.
Our natural resources are a major economic driver and key to our quality of life in Oregon - healthy soil, clean water, farmland, forests, rivers, fish and wildlife. I am committed to promoting responsible stewardship and use of our land and natural resources for the benefit of this and future generations. In an era where extreme weather, wildfires, excessive heat and drought seem to be getting worse, we need to invest in efforts to make communities more prepared for and resilient to these kinds of disasters. 
The core function of government is to protect our rights and freedoms while providing effective public services. Whether it's the breakdown in our unemployment system, foster care system, or inability to solve other long-standing problems, there are too many stories of state agency failures in Oregon and far too little accountability. I will hold state government agencies accountable and work across partisan lines to improve how our state government operates in Oregon.
Whether it's out-of-state corporations buying up farmland, private equity firms buying up housing, or monopolistic practices and price-gouging that drive up the price of food, fuel, electricity and other goods, we can do better. I am dedicated to supporting independent family farmers, local businesses, and consumer freedom in Oregon. I will fight to rein in corporate power whenever it threatens these values. 
I recognize that there are other issues that I may not have experience with or know enough about. That's why I'm committed to listening to the voices of all people who live in the district regardless of their political party or opinions so that I can make informed decisions that are in the best interest of the people living here. Unlike my opponent, I will always make time to meet with people from the district, and I am committed to holding regular town hall meetings to make sure I represent those who live here.
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