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You won't believe my opponent's voting record

Sep 19

2 min read





You need to check this out.

The most important job of a State Representative is to listen to their constituents and represent their interests when it comes to voting on legislation. On these core job requirements, Jami Cate has let us down.

In 2023, Cate sided with a California-based poultry company over local county residents in the Scio area. Instead of helping us protect our water and farms, she dismissed our concerns over the impacts of new factory sized poultry operations to our irrigation and drinking water supplies, air quality, home values, and rural quality of life.

But that's not all.

  • She also voted against basic funding for education and helping our kids succeed. She was the only 'no' vote in the Oregon House on a bill to expand early childhood literacy programs and also opposed expanding Career and Technical Education opportunities for high schoolers.

  • She voted against providing more affordable access to prescription medicines for rural residents, casting a 'no' vote on a bill to enable pharmacies to set up secure, remote prescription pickup locations in rural areas.

  • She opposed funding for fixing and upgrading Sweet Home's wastewater treatment system.

  • She voted against expanding rural broadband access.

  • She opposed funding for school breakfast and lunch programs.

  • She even voted against grants for basic maintenance and repairs at our county and state fairgrounds.

  • She was also the only 'no' vote on a bill to require that school districts record their school board meetings and post them online.

On issue after issue, Jami Cate has let our rural communties down. You can learn more about her voting record here.

If elected, I will support improving education, health care affordability, protecting our farms and water supplies, and for legislation that benefits rural Oregon like many of those listed above.

House District 11 needs a State Representative who will fight for our rural communities.

That's why I'm asking for your support at the ballot box this November.

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