In early August, with the help of nearly 30 volunteers, I turned in over 560 signatures to the Oregon Secretary of State in order to be able to run as an candidate for State Representative, House District 11. I needed to collect these signatures because I am running outside the political party system. After about a week, the Oregon Secretary of State's office called to let me know that they'd verified my signatures and that I would be on the ballot for the 2024 general election. While the term the state uses is 'unafiliated,' I prefer 'nonpartisan' or 'nonpartisan independent.' But I believe that in order to get things done, we need have people of all political affiliations involved - Republicans, Democrats, and independents. It's time for new voices in Salem who can bring people together for common solutions. Thank you to all of the volunteers who helped collect signatures and thank you to everyone who signed and helped me to qualify for the ballot.